Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Long gap

So I haven't written for a while. Not sure if that is a good thing or not? I was very lucky to get to go to a MacMillan pamper session at QA Hospital. Was a really lovely afternoon and was really nice to meet people in similar situations, although i was the only person who had not had/going to have chemo.

It's the summer holidays for me at the moment, and along with my new level of dosage for tablets, I'm feeling much more energetic and staying up later. Although because i'm not at work i keep forgetting to take my tablets :( not good. I also am really struggling to lose weight which is making me feel a little miserable. And comfort eating is not helping ;) I went to a yoga session last week and would really recommend it to anyone who has had/has cancer, it really is very calming and focus' on breathing and staying calm, which is really good when alot of bad stuff is going through you mind 24/7.

I'm also going to try going back to Zumba when i find a class, it is an excercise you can control the input to without annoying anyone or looking stupid.

My scar is going down, however i still get itchy spots come up on and around it, which are a pain in the bum, and my hair still falls out every morning,  but i'm not going to complain too much. I guess you unfortunatley get used to all the crap that comes with having cancer. You know you are fortunate (i hate the word lucky) but it does affect the rest of your life. And that does take some getting used to. I find i'm less grumpy, less miserable and less pessamistic about life now. I have gone back to being a vegetarian, and stopped having milk and eggs (the eggs are because we have chicks and had to pick them out of their eggs when they hatched and it completely grossed me out!).

So anyhoo that's the latest update. Not sure who reads this, if anyone, but it's nice to keep a track of how things are going. Kind of puts things into perspective and makes you realise that however slow it is, you are getting better.

Now to shift that 2 stone.....

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